
Events from 2110 CE onwards. Key events are in bold.
Date (CE)FactionEvent
2116 Proxima 5 DDS changes name to New Sparta (NS).
2115 Proxima 5 Knobhead becomes DDS Commander after resignation of Firefly.

Starbot Starbot leaves the DDS under the leadership of K-2.
Aldebra Remote UNP colony centre of short war between DDS and 7 Sa Sao Argon faction.
2114 Dino-Land Ronald returns from his epic voyage.
Proxima 5 Windy begins secret mission into deep Tarbotian space.

Date (CE)FactionEvent
2113 New Vosun New Vosun applies to join DTA
Dino-Land  El Diablo becomes first Consul under revised Republic.

Ronald heads off on a year-long mission into uncharted space.
Cloneworld Oojok renames the HCS to Clone Defence Forces.
Austini 55 Benito killed, Marcus new Emperor of CSE-E.
Proxima 5 Windy fakes his own death.

Date (CE)FactionEvent
2112 Proxima DDS GHQ moved to Proxima 5.
Dino-Land Ronald remarries.
Proxima AP killed in uprising. Firefly becomes the new DDS Commander.
Dino-Land Ronald instigates changes to republic to bring in single Consul from 2113.
Austini 55 Benito's HCS-E invades Kontai and Unatel Gamma.
Dino-Land Ronald begins second term as Consul.

Date (CE)FactionEvent
2111 Proxima Terrorist attack on DDS by PRB.
Kantalda Tarbotians begin turning ex-ABBO space into new province of empire.
Dino-Land El Diablo switches to Liberal Party.
Proxima Windy forms iP Services.
Proxima Iconic Pulsar 12A bomber retires from service.
Castarian Melson emerges as new Bolitic Emperor.
Proxima AP becomes new DDS Commander.
Proxima ABBO-Bolitic War ends following collapse of remaining ABBO forces.
ABBO1 Tarbotians wipe out the ABBOs and annex their space.
Yeng Yeng joins DTA.
Delta 9 ABBO forces defeated on Delta 9.

Date (CE)FactionEvent
2110 Pulsin Bolitic end war with Dinos following death of Borca in final battle near Pulsin.
Dino-Land Dinos form Dino Trade Association (DTA) with Sirikwan, Voth and New Arit as members.
New Arit Anti-DDS riots following devastation of war and feeling the DDS did not help them.
Voth Bolitic fail to defeat combined Voth and Sirikwanese fleet.
Delta 9 Second DDS planet invaded by ABBOs.
Liberation The Orchid killed in massive battle between DDS and ABBO fleets.
Voth Bolitic annex Vosun-Voth Star Empire.
Castarian Bolitic pause hostilities following heavy losses, the ABBOs continue the fight against the DDS.
Dino-Land Holisai killed in Zone attack.
Malau ABBOs invade into DDS space, landing troops on Malau.
Dino-Land Dinos and DDS exchange worm-drive and TPM technology.
New Arit Aritan fleet destroyed by ABBOs.
Raegris Bolitic and VVSE launch attack on Raegris.
Proxima DDS hit by Bolitic info-attacks.
Castarian Beginning of ABBO-Bolitic War.
Castarian Borca becomes new Bolitic Emperor following death of Aliowaki at hands of Windy and Ronald.
Proxima The Orchid becomes the new DDS Commander.